
Presiding Minister:
When we were baptized, the Risen Jesus said to us: "I have passed from death to life. I have achieved my Easter, that is, the great passage. Now I will make you pass yours. You pass from sin to grace. You pass from unhappiness to joy. Let's make the alliance, that is, the agreement." Today, after having accompanied the Risen Jesus, the great conqueror, let us renew this Easter agreement. It is found in the baptismal promises which our godparents made in our name. Now we renew them with a special joy.

Presiding Minister:
Do you renounce sin, to live in freedom, and not let yourself be ruled by sin?
All: I do.

Presiding Minister:
Do you renounce the seduction of evil, and not let yourself be ruled by sin?
All: I do.

Presiding Minister:
Do you renounce Satan and all his works?
All: I do.

Presiding Minister:
Do you believe in God, the Father almighty, Creator of Heaven and earth?
All; I believe.

Presiding Minister:
Do you believe in Jesus Christ , His only Son, our Lord, who was born of the Virgin Mary, died and was buried, rose again from the dead and is seated at the right of the Father?
All: I believe.

Presiding Minister:
Do you believe in the Holy Spirit, the Holy Catholic Church, the communion of Saints, the resurrection of the body and life everlasting?
All: I believe.

Presiding Minister:
May God almighty, Father of Our Lord Jesus Christ, who has freed us from sin and has granted us a new birth through water and the Holy Spirit, protect us with His grace in Christ Jesus, risen from death, through life everlasting.
All: Amen.

Concluding Hymn