A candle is given to each of the participants. The celebrant will light the candle at the Easter CERO and will offer the light to those present saying to them:
C. Go and bring the light of the risen Christ to your brothers.
T. Amen.
C. Baptism is the Easter of the Risen shared with man. Let us conclude our itinerary renewing the baptismal promises, grateful to the Father, that continues to call us from the darkness to the light of his Reign.
C. Brothers and sisters, if you want to follow the Risen in the streets of the world:
Do you give up sin, to live in the freedom of the children of God?
T. I do.
C. Do you give up the seductions of evil, to not let yourselves be dominated by sin?
T. I do.
C. To you give up Satan and all his deeds?
T. I do.
C. Do you believe in God the Father the almighty, creator of heaven and earth?
T. I do.
C. Do you believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord, that was born from Virgin Mary, died and was buried, and rose again and is seated at the right hand of the Father?
T. I do.
C. Do you believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, resurrection from the dead and eternal life?
T. I do.
C. May God almighty, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, that freed us from sin and made us be born again from the water and the Holy Spirit, keep us with his grace in Jesus Christ, risen from the dead, for eternal life.
Solemn blessing
C. God, source of every light, that has sent the Spirit of consolation on the disciples, bless you and fill you with his gifts.
T. Amen.
C. May the risen Lord give you the fire of his Spirit and enlighten you with his wisdom.
T. Amen.
C. May the holy Spirit, that has gathered different peoples in the only Church, make you perseverant in faith and joyful in hope until the beatified vision of heaven.
T. Amen.
C. And the blessing of God almighty, Father, Son and holy Spirit, descend upon you, and be with you always.
T. Amen.
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